Using node.js and jquery to scrape websites

I have been playing with Node.js for last few days and am totally head over heels.

Madly in love to this book! It’s awesome to know how much you can build with how little. I have ranted about Node.js earlier and did some comparisons too. It’s fast, really fast. And it’s plain old Javascript we have been using for last many-many years now. I thought I would build a real world application with it to see how much it stands the water. Earlier I thought to make a something on top of Riak, but that felt like running too fast. Instead I picked up something simpler to deal only with Node.js. Now, I think it would make sense to brush up on some Javascript fundaments.

Javascript objects

Yes. Javascript is an object oriented language. But it’s different from your traditional classical OO languages like Java and Ruby.
  1. One obvious difference is in syntax, and the other major one is that
  2. Other languages have methods while Javascript has first-class functions.
First class functions. What does it mean? It means that they are expressions and can be assigned to a variable and can be easily passed around. Does it sound like a closure in Ruby? It does indeed. Well thought, it’s a little more than that. I will come to this again some other time. For now, let’s find out how we can create objects and use them? I will focus tell you two ways to do it.

[Node.js hack] Install Node.js on windows step by step.

Your thinking is right! Node.js never run on Windows box. Node.js can install and run smoothly on some Unix/BSD base system. But there have some easy and nice tricks to install in a windows box. Here i have discuss on it--->

Step 1 – Ok, first you have to  download and install VirtualBox orVMWare Player. VirtualBox will be great and free for use.

Step 2 – The download Turnkey Linux core appliance and unzip it. Now you can able to make a virtual linux/unix environment on your windows.

Step 3 – Import the Turnkey core appliance into VirtualBox.

Node.js Video Tutorials

Well, Today, i am sharing some Node.js Video tutorials with you. There all tutorials from renown developer of Node.js.
1.Introduction to Node.js with Ryan Dahl
2.Node.js: Asynchronous Purity Leads to Faster Development
3.Parallel Programming with Node.js
4.Server-side JavaScript with Node, Connect & Express

I think this all video will help you to learn Node.js properly. Thanks See you with next post, keep with us.